ABET accreditation is highly respected and sought after in the industry because it adds critical value and standards to programs where quality, precision and safety are key. To receive ABET accreditation, each program must meet curriculum, 教师, facilities and institutional support standards. 团队 of highly skilled professionals from industry, academia and government peer review programs periodically to ensure they meet accreditation standards set by ABET. Our electrical engineering program strives for nothing less than excellence. After earning your degree from an ABET-accredited program, you will be well-prepared to thrive in a global, interconnected world.

What Does ABET 认证 do for You? (工程)

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Benefits of Graduating from an ABET-Accredited Program

  • Meet global standards for technical education in your profession
  • Enhance your career opportunities
  • 支持 your entry to a technical profession
  • Establish your eligibility for many federal student loans, grants and/or scholarships
  • Pave the way for you to work globally

研究生s of the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program at A&移动商务将:

  • Become successful professionals in varied engineering careers.
  • Excel in career developments in industry and other fields that accentuate implementation of engineering systems and devices.
  • Engage in lifelong learning and professional development through continuing education, participation in professional societies and conferences, 认证, or graduate education.

Electrical Engineering Program Student Outcomes

  • An ability to identify, 制定, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science and mathematics
  • An ability to create solutions that meet specific needs using engineering design while considering the well-being of the public, 环境, and global economic and social factors.
  • An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  • An ability to identify ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed decisions considering how engineering solutions can impact the world’s economy, 环境, 和社会.
  • An ability to work effectively on teams that collaborate to provide leadership, 设定目标, plan tasks and meet objectives.
  • An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  • An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed using appropriate learning strategies

Annual Student Enrollment and Graduation Data

Program Enrollment (Majors)2019年秋季2020年秋季2021年秋季2022年秋季2023年秋季
BS Electrical Engineering9611311798105
学位授予下降2018 - 2019下降2019 - 2020下降2020 - 2021下降2021 - 2022下降2022 - 2023
BS Electrical Engineering*2142212

*The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program was implemented in Spring 2018.


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  • 商务, TX 75429-3011